So, I'm due tomorrow and I am very ready. see. the proof is in the photo I snapped earlier. I'm huge and have cankles and can't even fit into friends shoes that are several sizes bigger than mine.
Instead of allowing the desire to sit on my butt and just wait for this kid to arrive I've been keeping pretty busy doing many many many things that actually should have been done a while ago. So, hey, all in all, it's working out well....this waiting thing.
I had hoped the baby would be coaxed out by the full moon this past weekend, but here I am, still pregnant.
This weekend:
-we painted Ferris' new bedroom and installed the new floor...so it's almost inhabitable.
-raked the yard and trimmed back all the hedges, got the garden ready for spring.
-actually mopped the house for the first time in, um, a long time.
-tons of laundry
-unpacked suitcases of spring/summer clothes and put away the winter gear
-bought a wading pool and child size gardening gloves.
-played putt-putt and went to the driving range
it was a really great weekend. lots of fun and pretty productive.
now it's Wednesday and it's back to work at the store. not a bad gig at all. just trying to get everything ready for my leave.....
soon, he'll be here soon.
ps- no worries, mom, it's no voc paint
Sounds like things are awesomely getting done for that new arrival!
Your belly is gigantic! I love it!
We are pumped and will be thinking about you all day tomorrow!
CONGRATS! See you at the reetsyburger and gerg wedding. 53 days apparently.
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