Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Its' so quiet, almost *too* quiet...

Today was my son's first day of daycare.
I've been looking forward to this day with a mix of giddy excitement and understandable parental anxiety.
Just 2 days a week, but I am already extremely optimisitic about what those days will allow me to do in terms of growing this business. I also hope that it will make the other 5 days of the week that I spend with my son that much more enjoyable.
For over a year now I have felt like I've been in one place while my head was in the other...thinking about work while at the playground...planning the afternoon with my son while I should be e-mailing clients.
It's nice to finally have a clear distinction between the two.
I'll still be doing the business full-time, but now with two whole days in the middle of the week to dedicate to that, solely,I can relax about making the rest of it fit more casually into my evenings and naptimes.
I already miss the little dude, but I think the break will be good for both of us. He seems to really love the place and even though I thought *we* had a lot of toys, our collection pales in comparison to that of the daycare!
Here's to new adventures.

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